A to Z Software Development Roles

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3D Chart of Software Development Roles: Visualising Skill Attributes

This 3D scatter plot visualises various software development roles based on three key skill attributes:

  • Project Timeline (x-axis): Representing the spectrum from project start to project end.
  • Focus Orientation (y-axis): Spanning from people focused to technology focused roles.
  • Thinking Style (z-axis): Differentiating between operational thinking and strategic thinking.

Each marker represents a distinct role, with its position indicating the relative emphasis on each of these attributes. Use the chart to explore how different roles balance these skills. How one person in a 3D space could assume another role nearby in the space.

Click the "Reset Chart View" button to reset the chart to its default view.

Click the "Set Y and X Front View" button to set the chart to see Y on the left and X on the bottom.

Interacting with the 3D Scatter Plot:


  • Mouse Scroll: Scroll the mouse wheel up and down to zoom in and out.


  • Click and Drag: Click and drag on the plot to rotate it in any direction.
  • Right Click and Drag: Right-click and drag on the plot to pan it left, right, up, or down.

Reset Chart View:

  • Reset Button: Click the "Reset Chart View" button below the plot to reset the view to its default position (Y axis left, X axis bottom and Z axis depth).


  • Hover: Hover over a data point to see additional information about the role it represents.

Project Idea Day

Project Idea Day was born out of a desire to document the 5th day of the 4-day working week. This innovative concept stemmed from the idea of utilising the extra day off in a productive and creative manner, by dedicating it to brainstorming and exploring new business ideas.

Project Idea Day - Introduction

Project Idea Day was born out of a desire to document the 5th day of the 4-day working week. This innovative concept stemmed from the idea of utilising the extra day off in a productive and creative manner, by dedicating it to brainstorming and exploring new business ideas. 

It provided an opportunity to step back, reflect, and generate fresh ideas that could potentially lead to new ventures or initiatives. Project Idea Day aimed to foster creativity, collaboration, and entrepreneurship, making the most out of the additional day off and harnessing it for innovative purposes.

Project Idea Day - TOUR WITH US

Tour With Us was my first Project Idea Day project, which involved organising bike tours from St Albans to Kaiapoi along the newly built cycle path. We considered what customers would be willing to pay for a 4-hour return trip that included lunch and a guided tour. 

However, after completing the One Page Lean Canvas, we realised that existing bike hire groups in Christchurch could easily add this tour as part of their offering, and we did not have an unfair advantage in the market. This realisation prompted us to reevaluate the business idea and explore other unique opportunities where we could create a competitive advantage to better serve potential customers.


The Singing Barber was my second Project Idea Day project. It was based on a unique concept - offering live singing performances while providing haircuts!

The idea was simple: as a barber, I would serenade my clients with my singing while giving them a haircut.

However, after receiving feedback, it became clear that people were primarily interested in getting a haircut and were not as enthusiastic about the singing aspect. Additionally, I recognised that my singing skills needed improvement.


Many business ideas originate in the kitchen, where individuals with a passion for different food styles or beverage flavours aspire to share their creations with the world.

My interest in home brewing led me to explore the concept of crafting a unique and interesting drink, inspired by my sister-in-law's homemade kombucha, a tea-based beverage. The global kombucha industry was valued at $1 million in 2014, but has since experienced significant growth, reaching $1.8 billion in sales by 2019.

Considering the potential saturation of the market, I realised that offering a distinctive flavour could be the key to success. I initially contemplated incorporating flavours such as berries, turmeric, and beetroot to create a one-of-a-kind kombucha that would captivate the public's taste buds.


Building on the kombucha idea from last week, an intriguing concept emerged - why not incorporate New Zealand gins into kombucha to create Kombucha Cocktails?

Initially, I had assumed kombucha was primarily for those seeking non-alcoholic beverages. However, further research revealed that the alcoholic range of kombucha is gaining popularity both in New Zealand and internationally.

Sophie and I were both captivated by this unique project, but we have decided not to pursue it further at this time. Nonetheless, the idea of combining the flavours of local gins with the healthful benefits of kombucha to craft innovative cocktails remains an exciting possibility for the future.


Christchurch boasts a talented community of skilled leather craft professionals. As I admired a leather watch strap with its unique style and colour, I wondered if I possessed the skills to recreate it and turn it into a business opportunity.

I took on the challenge and crafted a replacement watch strap, but learned some valuable lessons along the way. I realised that choosing leather that was slightly too thick presented challenges, and that having additional leather craft tools would have been beneficial in the process.

With this experience in mind, I'm now considering the business idea of crafting and selling leather dice bags and small leather bracelets. I'm excited to explore the possibilities and apply the insights gained from my previous leather craft endeavour to create high-quality and visually appealing products for potential customers.

 Project Idea Day - LEATHER DICE BAGS

Crafting the perfect leather dice bag is more than just creating a functional container - it's about the joy and satisfaction that the customer experiences when they hold and use it. The drawstrings closing with a touch of magic adds to the enchantment.

Through the process of making a batch of six dice bags, I've gained valuable insights. On average, it takes approximately 57 minutes and 30 seconds to handcraft one bag. The manufacturing cost adds up to around $39, with soft leather being the optimal choice of material. While shoe laces may cost more than synthetic core alternatives, they are faster to lace, resulting in overall cost savings when considering time. Additionally, the order in which the bag is constructed can significantly impact its overall quality, highlighting the importance of careful attention to detail in the crafting process.

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